Exhibit Hall
The MHSRS exhibit hall offers an unparalleled opportunity to learn firsthand about the latest technologies designed to improve Warfighter injury outcomes and to discuss issues relevant to Warfighter medical care with your peers and colleagues.
This year’s exhibit hall features a combination of the industry’s top manufacturers and suppliers, as well as companies on the forefront of technology, displaying and demonstrating their latest solutions including:
Blood and Coagulation Systems
Drug Delivery Systems
Emergency Medical Equipment
Health Readiness
Hearing & Vision
Human Performance
Infectious Disease – Diagnostics, Treatments
Information Technology – Health
Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention
Pain Management
Patient Transport/EnRoute Care
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
Psychological Health
Rehabilitation – Craniomaxillofacial, Limb, Neuromusculoskeletal
Simulations – Medical Training
Trauma Care – Point of Injury/Prehospital/Prolonged Field Care/Forward Surgical Care
Traumatic Brain Injury
Wound Management
Exhibit Hall Hours
Monday, 26 August
1730 - 2100 | Opening of Exhibits & Assistant Secretary of Defense for Health Affairs Reception
1730 – 1900 | Cash Bar
1900 – 2100 | Reception
Tuesday, 27 August
0900 – 1800 | Exhibit Hall Open
1000 – 1700 | MHSRS Blood Drive
Wednesday, 28 August
0900 – 1600 | Exhibit Hall Open
1000 – 1600 | MHSRS Blood Drive
There’s simply no better place than the MHSRS Exhibit Hall to get up-close and hands-on with today’s most innovative technologies and solutions from 100+ exhibitors that are committed to advancing and improving the unique medical needs of the Warfighter.
Please check back in July for an exhibitor list and floor plan.