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Registration & Housing

Registration will open in July 2024. 

Payment Tokens

If your organization requires registration fees to be paid through a Government Purchase Card (GPC), not a Government Travel Card (GTCC), and there are at least 5 individuals attending the 2024 MHSRS, we have created Payment Tokens to help make the registration process easier.


Payment tokens are created by the GPC cardholder when they submit a request online. The token is a unique code, similar to a promotional code, distributed by the GPC cardholder to individuals to register and pay on their own. If a token is not established, all individuals who plan to attend will have to register and pay on their own at the time of registration.


Please note: registration is a prerequisite for getting the hotel reservations link. Rooms at the conference headquarter hotel typically sell out on the first day. Therefore, the group should be prepared to register as soon as registration opens in July.


How does it work?
  • GPC cardholder establishes a payment token through the secure, online portal.

  • Registration instructions, attached to the payment token confirmation, are distributed by the GPC cardholder to those authorized to attend.

  • Individuals use the instructions to register and pay once registration opens.

  • Individuals then share their registration confirmation/invoice with the GPC cardholder for payment.

  • GPC cardholders pay securely online as the individual confirmations arrive or they can wait until all are registered and pay at one time with one total charge.

Hotel Reservations

To gain access to hotel reservations, you must first register for the meeting and pay the registration fee. Once completed, you will receive a registration confirmation email, which will include a link for hotel reservations. 

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