Poster Session Topics
Poster Sessions Location: Osceola Ballroom (Ballroom/Level 2)
Tuesday, 27 August | 1000 - 1200
Lessons Learned from Current Conflicts in Ukraine and Israel to Improve Combat Casualty Care Strategies
Remote Damage Control Resuscitation (RDCR): Innovations to Prolong the "Golden Hour"
Treating Refractory Hypoxemia on the Battlefield: What Does the Future Hold?
Casualty Care During Multi-Domain Operations, Large Scale Combat Operations, and Prolonged Care
Advances in Life Saving Interventions at Point of Injury and in Prolonged Care
Trauma Resuscitation and Critical Care on the Future Battlefield
Novel Strategies for Treatment of Shock or Blood Failure: Blood and Blood Products
Cellular Therapeutics for Treatment of Shock and Trauma
Technologies for the Treatment of Battlefield Hemorrhage and Management of Vascular Dysfunction
Severe Burn Injury: Strategies to Accelerate Casualty Functional Recovery
Clinical Studies to Advance Combat Casualty Care
Assuaging Agony: Novel Pain Therapeutics
Implementation of Evidence-based Pain Management Practices in the MHS
Far Forward Battlefield Diagnostic Imaging
Organ Support in Trauma
Challenges and Opportunities of High Volume, Prolonged Medical Mobility and CASEVAC During Large Scale Combat Operations
Central Role of Dental Care in Military Readiness, Operational Deployment, In-Theater Care, Post-Injury Reconstruction, and Warfighter Rehabilitation
4 Legged Warriors: Military Working Dogs at the Tip of the Spear
Protecting the Warfighter from Nuclear Threats: Acute Radiation Syndrome and Radiation Polytrauma
Directed Energy Health Effects Research for the Warfighter
Current Challenges in DoD Aerospace Medicine
Undersea Operational Research Panel
Novel Treatments, Strategies and Technologies in Hearing and Balance Health
Ocular Optimization: Before and After Injury
Experimentation – Beyond the Bench
From Theory to Practice: Transitioning S&T Findings into Actionable Knowledge​
Tuesday, 27 August | 1530 - 1730
Advances in Diagnosis of TBI: Biomarkers and Beyond
Warfighter Brain Health: Advances in Optimizing and Sustaining Cognitive Performance
TBI Management: Epidemiology and Down Range Management
Brain Impact of Sub concussive Blast Exposure in Military Service Members: Implications for Prevention and Health
Advances in Blast Polytrauma: Implications to Warfighter Function and Combat Casualty Care
Novel Interventions to Address Post-traumatic Stress Disorder in Service Members and Veterans
Moving the Needle on Preventing Harmful Behaviors in the Military Community – Implementing Cross Agency Research Priorities – Current and Future State
Military Family Health and Readiness: Understanding the Interdependence of the Military Family System
Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Psychological Disorders
Mental and Behavioral Health Manifestations of Anger
Warfighter Operational Resilience: Next Generation Programs to Sustain Performance under Fire
Solutions Addressing Behavioral Health Clinician Shortage - Leveraging Telebehavioral Health
Women's Health and Readiness: Health Focused Updates
Military Female Health Research Aimed at Overcoming the Challenges and Barriers Impacting Optimal Warfighter Performance & Operational Readiness
Big Data and Machine Learning for Full Spectrum Military Health Readiness, Performance and Care
Military Exposures and Subsequent Long-term Outcomes
Wednesday, 28 August | 1000 - 1200
Update in Emerging Infectious Diseases of Military Importance: Predicting and Preventing Future Outbreaks in Military Settings
New Approach Methodologies and Novel In Vivo Models for the Development of Infectious Disease Countermeasures
An Ounce of Prevention: Next Generation Vaccines and Passive Immunoprophylaxis to Enhance Warfighter Readiness
Improving Traumatic Wound Healing and Recovery
Non-traditional Treatments and Delivery strategies for Wound infections and Sepsis
Innovative Technologies and Devices for Treatment of Battlefield Wounds in Prolonged Care to Prevent Infection
Strategies for Mitigating the Development of Post-traumatic Wound Infections with Multi-drug Resistant Organisms across the Continuum of Care
Musculoskeletal Injury Prevention: Highlighting Vulnerable Warfighters
Innovative Tools and Technologies for Predicting and Assessing Musculoskeletal Injuries of the Warfighter
Solutions to Accelerate Recovery from Neuromusculoskeletal Injury
Advancements in Prosthetic and Exoskeletal Technologies that Facilitate Return to Duty Following Neuromusculoskeletal Injuries
Advances in Regenerative Medicine from Point of Injury to Definitive Care and Beyond
Design, Prevent, and Implement: Advancements in Osseointegration Technology and Outcomes
Force Health Protection: Operational Exposure Research and Predictive Risk Methods
Military Injury Biomechanics for the Prevention of Behind Helmet and Behind Armor Blunt Trauma
Optimizing the Human Weapon System: Utilizing Wearable Sensors to Inform Readiness across the Joint Force
Genetic Readiness of the Force: Genetics and Integrative Omics for Optimizing Warfighter Health and Performance
Managing Fatigue in the DoD: Methodologies for Sleep and Circadian Measurement
Exertional Heat Stroke: What's New in Prevention, Management and Return to Duty
Human Performance Optimization in Polar Environments
Global Health Engagement Research in Combatant Commands