Jump to: Blood Drive | Ethics Message | Media | Mobile App | Registration & Badges | Safety & Security | Shuttles | Questions
Blood Drive | Florida Exhibit Halls D-F (back of the 1200 aisle)
Tuesday, 27 August | 1000 – 1700
Wednesday, 28 August | 1000 – 1600
​Get ready to be a hero at the MHSRS Conference Blood Drive! Join us in the Exhibit Hall (back of the 1200 aisle), on Tuesday, 27 August, from 1000 – 1700 and Wednesday, 28 August, from 1000 – 1600. We're calling on all blood types—your donation could be the one that saves a life. Every donor will receive an Armed Services Blood Program t-shirt as a token of our appreciation, and the first 50 donors each day will score an extra incentive.
Ethics Message to U.S. Government Employees
As a reminder, all Government employees are bound by the Standards of Ethical Conduct. Please be cognizant of the rules regarding acceptance of gifts from outside sources, as well as from other federal employees. Seek guidance from your ethics counselor if you have questions about the ethical rules applicable to you as a government employee.
Media representatives may be present at MHSRS, attending various breakout sessions and activities. As a speaker, you may be approached for comments or an interview. Remember remarks made during your presentation, or a Q&A session, may be considered on the record. Contact your public affairs office or the MHSRS media relations team if you have questions or if a member of the media contacts you. A MHSRS “media relations tips” card will be available at the registration desk.
Mobile App
The 2024 MHSRS mobile app is the most up-to-date and interactive resource covering the Symposium. With this year's NEW & IMPROVED app, you can:
Build your own schedule and see what's on next
Search for sessions, posters, presenters, keywords, and abstract IDs
Bookmark exhibitors you don't want to miss
Connect and chat with attendees
Locate rooms and navigate through the Gaylord...and much more!​​

Registration & Badges
Registration will be located in the City Hall Lobby (Ballroom/Level 2) in the Gaylord Palms Convention Center. Be sure to bring your registration confirmation email and CAC card or appropriate government-issued photo ID to expedite badge pickup.
***Pick Up Your Badge on Sunday***
Avoid the Monday morning crunch and pick up your credentials Sunday afternoon—shuttles will be running to/from the Gaylord Palms.
Registration Hours
Sunday, 25 August | 1500 – 1900
Monday, 26 August | 0630 – 1930
Tuesday, 27 August | 0700 – 1700
Wednesday, 28 August | 0700 – 1700
Thursday, 29 August | 0800 – 1100
Safety and Security for Active Duty Military and Federal Government Civilians
Limit as much as possible wearing of uniforms outside the event and hotel locations.
Try as much as possible to use the buddy system when traveling and visiting areas away from the event.
Make sure valuables such as government cell phones and laptops are secured when not in use, and to use VPN.
Report anything that causes concern to hotel staff and on-site security as soon as possible.
Remember OPSEC and TARP training, limit conversations with strangers concerning work as conferences are one of the most targeted activities where people are contacted for information either in person, or through social media. Be wary of new friend requests as a result of conversations from strangers you met at the conference. Not saying meeting new friends is wrong, just be wary of those that may be trying gather information because of our DoD affiliations.
Shuttle service will be provided to/from the Orlando International Airport (MCO), to/from inter-hotels, and to/from Disney Springs.
We're here to help, so please contact us with any questions you have!
Customer Service
Exhibitor Services
Contractor Sales Team
sales@mhsrs.net | +1 703 398 1161
Contractor Operations Team
Sessions (Scientific Plenary, Topic Area/Breakouts, Young Investigator)